in the morning 活动,早上; 每天早上; 清晨四点; 清晨中; 在上午; 在早晨; 在早上; 早晨 [两小无猜; 早晨用; 早上七点三十五
morning n. 1.早晨。 2.上午;〔废、古〕(上层社会晚餐前的)白天〔例: morning performance 〔英国〕(午后开演的日戏)〕。 3.初期,早期。 4.〔诗〕黎明;〔M-〕黎明的女神。 It is morning. 天亮了。 Good morning ! 早上好!早安! the morning of life 青春时代。 from morning till [to] night [evening] 从早到晚。 in the morning 在早晨,在午前。 of a morning 往往在早上。 morning after 〔口语〕(狂饮后次日早晨的)宿醉;无节制行为的后果。
From his face , as he staggered into the office , we gathered it was the morning after the night before 他摇摇晃晃地走进办公室,从他的脸上,我们猜测他一定喝醉了。
Experience sharing on teaching visually impaired students senior teacher of ebenezer school ms . mok siu lai it was the morning of 23 september 2006 心光学校在九月二十三日早上来了不少嘉宾,让原来幽静的校园变得热闹起来。